Managed IT Services | 5 Ways Your Company Can Benefit

What’s the first thing on the mind of any in-house IT professional when hearing rumors of a third party managing IT services? Odds are, something negative. No one likes someone moving in on their turf, to work on their work, and doing their job.  Superior IT Innovations understands this, and that’s why we work to prove that we aren’t out to put anyone out of a job. We are here to augment what your company is doing, and help you be at the top of your game. Sure, you could keep doing what you’re doing, and have your IT team “keep the lights on” per se, but wouldn’t you want everything firing on all cylinders, so you can focus on what really matters, growing revenue? Here are 5 ways your company could benefit from turning to managed IT services.

Higher Level of Security

New network security issues like hacking and ransomware are popping up everyday, requiring the highest level of network solutions. When you turn to a trusted IT service provider, you can know that they are the most affluent, because they have experience working in a myriad of different industries. Whether you’re running an e-commerce website, or working with medical compliance, network security is more important than ever.

More Uptime

This is the goal of any business technology, is it not? Downtime can cost your company money. Avoiding expensive downtime can become more difficult with challenges associated with network security, disasters like power outages, cloud computing, and more. Trusting a team for managed IT services helps you know that you’re avoiding costly downtime, and your company can function at the highest level. This is because choosing a managed IT service provider means they will take a proactive approach to problems, versus a damage cleanup team.

Wider Scalability

Working with companies in various regions of various sizes allows an IT services provider the confidence in knowing they can tackle any issue, fast. When your company runs into an issue that just simply can’t be cured in-house, you can trust the experienced IT professionals at Superior, no matter what the scale. Things like business continuity and disaster recovery become quite daunting when you’re working with a major loss. Turning to a professional IT team can help turnaround time.

Top Tier Tech

Handling the entire company’s network alone isn’t easy. Even the most skilled IT pro will struggle without the best tools in the toolbox. Working with an outside technical support team doesn’t just help with troubleshooting, companies can benefit from having access to the best solutions and latest technology. Things like backup and disaster recovery, remote monitoring, and cloud computing help extinguish potential problems associated with using outdated tech, before they happen.

Cost Reduction

Hardware, software, network infrastructure, maintenance costs. IT can get expensive, especially when your company is working hard to grow. As your company grows, so does your responsibility to take care of things like security and data protection. Maybe your company has outgrown your IT team. Maybe your IT guy thinks he is worth more than he really is. Maybe you don’t even have an IT guy and you’re forced to turn to other employees to troubleshoot, which takes them away from their day-to-day, which takes away from growth. Either way, your company will be more able to predict IT costs on a month-to-month basis when turning to a trusted IT service provider. This can immediately help your ROI.

In the year 2017, these benefits, amongst many others, should help you better understand the goals of managed IT services. No matter what size, industry, or scope of work, considering your options in terms of business technology is very important right now. The goal of any MSP is to do one thing, help your company. That’s what Superior IT Innovations is here for, to help keep your data safe, help increase your profitability, and help your company run smoothly.

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